Heather Tapia Art

Monkey Mischief

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 Heather's, Monkey Mischief, 30" x 40," Oil and acrylic is now available. This Painting comes in a beautiful, brushed gold floating frame. 

Heather’s green monkey pays tribute to her childhood in Miami.  Heather took many trips with her family to Miami’s Monkey Jungle and to various restaurants in Miami on the water.  Heather’s Monkey looks a little hesitant and mischievous, like he is planning his next trick. The bright colors are a tribute to the tropical colors and design seen all over Miami. Miami is still the city where Heather feels the most at home. Streets lined with beautiful palm trees and lush plants and Cuban restaurants with the most delicious food are all part of the flavor of this painting.  This piece was also sketched on the canvas and then finger painted with luxurious oil pigment sticks. The tropical flowers were added as the final touch and those were done with a paint brush and acrylic paint.