Heather Tapia Art

Unity and Peace

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Heather Tapia's, Unity and Peace, 40" x 40" Acrylic, crushed glitter, gold-leaf and resin painting is now available. The edges of this piece are gold-leafed, so it looks beautiful, displayed right on the wall. 

Heather’s Unity and Peace painting was created from a place of sincerity and as a way to heal the brokenness of the world due to Covid. During the Pandemic, Heather was saddened to have her Church and so many other Churches shut down because Heather had been working at and attending her Church almost daily for the past 16 years up until the shutdown. Many of the successes and good things in Heather’s life and the lives she has been able to help have come directly from her involvement in her Church. To have that taken away during a time of uncertainty really shook her. Heather could truly see the importance of Religion and how vital it is to every being and so this concept to portray the major world Religions was born and Heather took her vision and put it on canvas to share with others. It is important to protect and respect the religious beliefs of others as in Religion we have the virtues that help us all to do better and to help mankind.